Macros Part 3: Fats and How They Help Your Stamina

Macros Part 2: Carbs and How They Can Make Your Goals Come True

4 Sneaky Tips to Help You Get More Protein
Trying to get enough protein each day can seem challenging, but a few small swaps can really add up. It may not seem like a lot when you add 2g here, or 5g there. When you get to the end of the day and add it all up, you can increase your protein intake bib 20-30g! That’s almost a whole meals worth. Here are a few food swaps you can make to get more protein and fiber with each meal and help you reach your goals.

Macros Part 1: Protein and Why You Need More than You Think
Are you getting enough protein? Do you need a variety like, chicken, beef, and seafood, or is just one or two sources of protein ok? Why should you eat more protein with each meal? These are just a few of the questions that get answered in this blog post.

The Mindset Shift Between Calorie Counting and Macronutrients
The difference between counting calories and counting macronutrients is more than numbers, it’s a complete change of perspective that can be the key to your success.